Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Piano D'Amour ♥

" Life's like a Piano, It goes the way as we play it "

Pianos have always been attractive to people who like beauty & romance and also able to represents our journey of life.  As people says that the white keys on the piano represent "Happiness" and the black keys shows "Sadness".

Happiness or Sadness at all things in life will always come in pair and both sides prove beneficial as we go along in our life journey. Happiness in life provides satisfaction and resolution, sadness on the other hand provides perseverance and strength. In our life there is no perfection.

Life is not always the way we want it to be. At some stage we all might be playing at the perfect tunes but it might not be the perfect tune of melody.  It's not easy to find the right pitch, the right timing and the right keys in our life time. These are our life challenge that we have to go through.

Learn from the mistakes and accept them challenge then for sure you'll be playing a perfect tone and melody.

~ JC ~

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