Every woman have their own standard to choose their the other half but some of them will have their own different standards which included their internal life-time advisor.
So is that mean that do we still need Love for Marriage or Money for Marriage ?
What is the actual relationships stands for. I understand that most of us would like to wish for a partner who is gorgeous, agile and well-heeled. But we do understand that it is how rarely life delivers up to the ideal.
How is it not stupendous to find someone who combines average good looks, modest financial assets and flawed physique with a penchant for loving you madly?
" Come on stop joking here women's "
Do understand that an internal lifetime advisor's standard that are never meant to be place to judge your future " so called Boyfriend or Future Husband ". Your life is chosen by yourself and it does not required an internal lifetime advisor's to place the standard for you to follow. The internal life-time advisor's can be used as an example or advice but it doesn't meant to be follow.
If this kind of ruling continues, it will be either the man that gonna be excel and control by treating you like a worthless baby or he will be the good boy under his girlfriend skirts? Overall its your own decision to decide which you would like to have.
Less-than-perfect can suffice for the openhearted and with each incident in life won't have a second
chance so Why marriage does ?
~ JC ~
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