Thursday, June 25, 2015

❤ Pamukkale ~ The cotton castle ❤

Right here I go.. My Journey for this summer break just start now :)

I love to travel around the globe and heading towards Turkey is one of the country that I had listed on " my travel list of places that I wanted to visit " .  While I was doing some research and planning to Turkey, I came across this beautiful white cotton castle which they called it "Pamukkale" which located @ Kusadasi.  So here I decided to go there and here goes my journey.

Pamukkale the meaning of the "cotton castle" in turkish. The reason of it was called the "white cotton castle" is because Pamukkale is formed by the spring water which is rich in minerals.

Pamukkale is a tourist attraction and it is recognised as a world heritage site together with Hierapolis. The underground volcanic activity which causes the hot springs also forced carbon dioxide into a cave, which was called Plutonium.

In this area there are 17 hot springs and the water from the hot spring that has over thousands of years.

The water emerges from the hot spring to the head of the travertine terrace and had formed thick layers of mineral deposits as lime-stones along the cliff face and till today the cliff is as white as chalk and it does looks like a frozen waterfalls.

Pamukkale is a truly iconic site. The fairyland of Pamukkale is a must-see traveling through this region during a journey to Turkey.


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